The Morgan Horse Source


Missed an episode?  Looking for advice from a top professional? 

Check out past episodes of The Morgan Horse Source below, and keep watching for our Facebook page to see when the next episode will air!

All episodes are also now available on the AMHAY Spotify Podcast!

page_1200_episode-1.jpgEpisode 1: Meet the Youth Council (2020)

page_1200_episode-2.jpgEpisode 2 Equitation  Kasey Saccocia of Cater Stables shares her equitation training tips and tricks.

page_1200_episode-3.jpgEpisode 3: The Fountain of Youth  All About AMHA Youth Programs with Nikki Scovotti.


page_1200_episode-4.jpgEpisode 4: Jerome Parker  Ring steward and longtime Morgan horse trainer. 


page_1200_episode-1.jpgEpisode 5: Growing up Morgan  Rebecca Cooper, manager of Ledyard Farms.


page_1200_episode-6.jpgEpisode 6: The Lippitt Club  Jim McClay & Heather Astley of Lippitt Club Inc. 


page_1200_episode-7.jpgEpisode 7: Shoe at the Big Show Del Slaugh, farrier at Grand National for over 35 years.


page_1200_episode-8.jpgEpisode 8: Becky's Gift  Kathy Lang speaks about this rescue organization.


page_1200_episode-9.jpgEpisode 9: A day in the Life of a Trainer Featuring Sarah Gove from Taylor River Farm in Hampton Falls, NH.


page_1200_episode-10.jpgEpisode 10: Making the judgement call with Karen Homer Brown Life as a rated horse show judge.


page_1200_episode-11.jpgEpisode 11: Snap Shot with Howie Schatzberg  Life as a horse show photographer.


page_1200_episode-12.jpgEpisode 12: The UVM Morgan Horse Farm  Kim Demars & Steve Davis from UVM Morgan Horse Farm.

page_1200_episode-13.jpgEpisode 13: Ryan Penno DVM  Dr. Penno on life as an equine vet.

page_1200_episode-14.jpgEpisode 14: Chronicles of the Morgan Horse with Ellen Feld  Author of many horse books.


page_1200_episode-15a.jpgEpisode 15: Stitching it up with Bethea Phelan Alden Customs, maker of custom show outfits.



page_1200_episode-16.jpgEpisode 16: The Family behind Morgan Safenet  Colleen & Emilia talk about starting and running Morgan Safenet, the Morgan rescue.


page_1200_episode-15.jpgEpisode 17: New Beginnings at Faraday with Alyssa Wick  Trainer of Morgan horses.


page_1200_episode-18.jpgEpisode 18: A Symphony takes a Village with Bob Funkhouser  Saddle Horse Report editor and trainer talks about his experiences.


page_1200_episode-19.jpgEpisode 19: Queen of Hats and Hair with "The Hat Lady" Terri Deering  The care of hats, sizing, and life as The Hat Lady.


page_1200_episode-20.jpgEpisode 20: Hylee Breeding Farm with Jackie Sweeney  All about Hylee's breeding program.


page_1200_episode-21.pngEpisode 21: Jack of All trades with Sandy Sessink  Challenges and responsibilities of judging.


page_1200_episode-22.jpgEpisode 22: On Target Training with Shawnna Karrassch  How positive reinforcement training can help solve problems with horses.


page_1200_episode-23.pngEpisode 23: "All-Around Equestrian" with Denny Emerson  Denny chats about Morgans, the Olympics and the Tevis Cup.

page_1200_episode-23.pngEpisode 24: Dragonsmeade Breeding with Iann Fu Longenecker  Iann shares what it takes to develop a strong breeding program.


page_1200_ad.jpgEpisode 25: The next generation of horse training with Ryne Swope  Ryne chats about being a young horse trainer at the legendary Roadshow Morgans.

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 26: Avalon Photography with Jolene Bertrand  Learn about how fun being a horse show photographer can be!

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 27: Inside: Freedman Harness with David Freedman  David shares the history of Freedman Harness.

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 28: Preparing: Youth of the Year Contest with Jordan Freitag  Jordan shares her secrets to prepping for YOTY.

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 29: World Champion coaching with Manya Smalley  Manya shares her behind the scenes experience coaching World Champions.

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 30: Judging Experiences with Jolene Galvin-Yerckie

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 31: Exporing Opportunities with the Youth Council

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 32: Behind the Scenes of Rose Haven Farm with Julianne Rafferty

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 33: The Magic of Maggi Stables with Merin Maggi and Lila Tatar  

page_1200_jolene-bertrand.jpgEpisode 34: The Ride to Equestrian Excellence with Meredith Lazar-Meeder 

Episode 35: Jordan's Journey to Center Ring with Jordan Freeman