Champion Title Program

Established in 2012, AMHA's Champion Title Program allows Morgan horse show champions to apply to receive titles of CH (champion) and GCH (grand champion). The competition year runs November 2-November 1.

To become a Champion, a horse must earn 15 points and win 1 Major Class (class containing 4 or more horses) at any USEF rated all Morgan show, in Morgan classes sanctioned by USEF, or at a USEF Lite Competition; to become a Grand Champion, a horse must earn 30 points and win 2 Major classes. AMHA Open Competition Silver Medallion recipients qualify for CH status (enrollment and fees apply) and AMHA Open Competition Gold Medallion recipients qualify for GCH status (enrollment and fees apply). 

Costs are $100 enrollment fee and $50 annually after enrollment. There is also a $50 fee for each year prior to enrollment in which points are used toward title. 

The Sire and Dam of Merit award has been established to honor sires and dams who are distinguished by their production offspring achieving champion title status. There is no fee associated with this award. The nominated sire or dam must be registered with AMHA and may be given to any eligible sire or dam, whether living or deceased. 

A Sire of Merit Award will be given to a horse siring five (5) titled horses, either CH or GCH. A Dam of Merit Award will be given to a horse producing two (2) titled horses, either CH or GCH. Offspring born after the death of a stallion or via frozen semen may be counted in the calculation of this award as long as eligibility requirements are met. Offspring may be counted only once regardless of number of titles obtained. 

Questions regarding these programs can be directed to Nikki Dumas at; (859)448-5109
Champion Title Program Guidelines (Update Underway!)
Champion Title Program Application
Sire and Dam of Merit Application


