Member Policies & Suspensions

The mission of the American Morgan Horse Association, Inc (AMHA) is to preserve, promote and perpetuate the Morgan breed. AMHA actively protects the breed by establishing and enforcing rules that govern every AMHA-approved event, in conjunction with USEF, in order to reflect the natural ability of the animal. To that end, AMHA believes that all horses and all animals, shall, at all times, be treated humanely and with dignity, respect and compassion. Breeders, owners, trainers and exhibitors are continuously responsible for the well-being and humane treatment of any horse entrusted to their care.

ETHICS STATEMENT:  AMHA recommends and expects that all persons will conduct themselves in an honest, forthright, ethical, and sportsmanlike manner in their relationship with each other at anytime they are involved in Morgan horse-related matters.

  AMHA does not assume responsibility for safety of participants at shows or other events it sanctions.  Responsibility for participant safety remains solely with individual and Show Management. Show Management applies for AMHA approval on a voluntary basis, agreeing to conduct the show according to AMHA rules, which are designed to promote fair competition and promote AMHA programs, such as Youth of the Year Contest and Medal classes. Assumption of responsibility for safety by show management is required by AMHA as an express condition to grant the designation “AMHA-approved show.”

DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES: The AMHA Rules for Hearings and Appeals establishes procedures by which the AMHA hears or reviews evidence of alleged violations of rules and regulations by members and/or participants in AMHA-approved events. A member may be disciplined or suspended from the Association, and any non-member participant may be denied any or all Association privileges.  

SUSPENSION POLICY: AMHA values each and every member and business transaction, and makes every effort to work with all parties regarding payment of services.  However, as approved by the AMHA BOD, and Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show Committee:  “Any person or entity with a debt outstanding for more than 90 days to AMHA, or an AMHA Regional Show or the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show is deemed "suspended" from doing business with any of those organizations. Such person or entity deemed "suspended" may be precluded from any further business transactions with AMHA, including with its Registry, and may be precluded from participating as an exhibitor, trainer, owner, coach or otherwise in any Regional Show or the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show. This policy does not replace or negate any suspension policy enforced by USEF, and those debts must be resolved directly with USEF. Show management retains the right to refuse any entry.

As of March 13, 2025 the following person(s) are suspended:

Adams, Hayden Quinn, Maine

Adams, Kelli, Wisconsin

Alsip, Niki, New Mexico

Anderson, Lisa, Oregon

Bacon, Mickey Todd, Colorado

Bailey, Wendy S., New Hampshire

BBG Morgans, Connecticut

Blatt, Bryan, Montana

Bolin, Shelly, Oklahoma

Bonner, Ella, Massachusetts

Broad Brook Group LLC, Connecticut

Cates, Randall Scott, Oklahoma

Comeau, Ashley, Canada

Coomer, Barbara Mcleod, Alabama

Cummings, Grace, Pennsylvania

DeCosta, Laura, Massachusetts

Dolliver, Amy, New Hampshire

Ekstrom Enterprises Inc, Missouri

Ekstrom, Bruce, Missouri

Farris, Kathleen G, Pennsylvania

Fountain, Phillip A., Kentucky

Geissinger Pelissier, Jessica, Washington

Giorgio, James K., Connecticut

Hamilton, Katelynn Mae, Vermont

Hetrick, Damon, Massachusetts

Higginbotham, Nicole, Alabama

Hill, Cathleen Lee, Michigan

Hilton, Kristine, Ohio

Hodge, Pamela Jean, California

Kramer, Trina M., California

Larson, Jessica, Minnesota

Manfreda, Morgan, New York

Marino Walsh, Jessica, Illinois

Morton, Leah, New York

North, Karen, New York

O'Brien, Shannon, Massachusetts

Piccione, Luanne, Connecticut

Scherer, Jessica W, Minnesota

Schreck, Daniel P., California

Scott, Amanda, Michigan

Simonds, Jean, California

Smith, Stephen D., Ohio

Sullivan, Victoria Gayle, Kansas

White, Heather, New York

Wilkinson, Dana, New Hampshire

Wilkinson, Savannah, New Hampshire

Wilson, Colleen, Massachusetts

Winona, Sierra, Oregon

Zaharion, Paige Rachel, Michigan