AMHA Therapy Horse Award Honorees
1994: Akland Comander
1997: ATMF Constellation
1998: Quaker's George Boy
1999: Reno Masterpiece
2000: Jeanet Of Wilton
2001: Vigilboy
2002: UVM Jessica, Wind Blu Locomotion
2003: Sunup Shenandoah
2004: PB's Split the Wind, Royalwood Lord Devon
2005: Basswood Valiant Boy, Battersea Norfolk
2006: Nekomia Moro, Rohan Ithilien
2007: Savenac's Dixianna
2008: Six Penny Constant Motion and April Love Can Do
2009: Lenawee Madonna and Janlees' Philharmonica
2010: Nike Five Time and Bens Charley Brown
2011: Merlin Tris Don and Barr's Lucky Lady
2012: Ragtime Amazing Grace, Charlestown Fairdawn
2013: Cairnbrae Irish Rose
2014: Peaches N' Mae
2015: Cairnbrae Shenanigan
2016: Mantic Mardi Gras
2017: Coco Latte Man
2018: Clear Springs Beausoleil
2019: EF Star Performer
2020: Not Awarded Due to COVID-19
2021: Menomin Mister Yankee
2022: JVT's Passion
2023: Desperado's Alibi, Wonder Flight
2024: Macland Untouchable