Press Release: USEF Reminder - Microchip Rule (effective 12.1.25)
Dear USEF Member,
In June 2023, the US Equestrian Board of Directors approved a new microchip rule that will take effect on 12/1/2025 for the 2026 show season. You can read more about the meeting HERE.
Since that meeting, US Equestrian has worked with competition managers, licensed officials, and the equestrian community to provide information and educational resources early so that you are informed ahead of the effective date. We encourage you to bookmark this email, as it can be important to have if microchip questions arise in the future.
Rule Overview
As a reminder, this rule will require all horses to have a microchip to be eligible to compete at a USEF licensed competition. This microchip number must be on file with USEF and, once recorded, will remain with the horse’s record. Microchip numbers do not need to be collected by the competition. It is the participant’s responsibility to report the microchip to USEF, but we will ask competitions to verify that a chip number is on file before accepting the entry.
Note: This microchip rule applies to all breeds and disciplines and expands upon the existing microchipping rules in the Hunter/Jumper/Equitation sections of our rulebook.
Reporting Tool
We have an online microchip reporting tool which can be used to report a microchip for a horse by anyone (i.e. owner, trainer, barn manager, secretary). Once reported, the microchip will be instantly added to the horse’s account and the records will update to show the horse is compliant.
Microchip Resources
USEF has developed a microchip resource webpage which has many useful resources, including:
USEF has also recently published the following four infographics that will help answer general questions:
USEF has produced two video resources that can help further explain microchips.
Webinar: Presented by USEF’s Equine Health and Biosecurity Veterinarian Dr. Flynn and Merck’s Dr. Lacolla, this webinar provides a more detailed background on microchips, how they work, and how USEF’s rule will be implemented. This video clip is about an hour long but is full of great information regarding microchips.
Learning Center Video: In this video, Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital's Dr. Metcalfe along with USEF’s Dr. Flynn provide a short tutorial on microchips, how they work, how a microchip is implanted and how horse health can be monitored, specifically with the use of a biothermal microchip, which can monitor a horse’s temperature through its built-in temperature biosensor.
Questions? We are here to help!
Recording of microchips and horse records -
Microchip types and/or how microchips work to protect equine health -
We encourage everyone to share these resources within their spheres of influence. Thank you for helping us in this important initiative for the welfare of the horse!
For full information, visit the USEF WEBSITE