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Notice of Frozen Semen Transfer Updates

September 11, 2024


Over its past few meetings, the Registry Committee has been discussing whether the owner of frozen semen could request genetic testing on it through AMHA. The Registry’s longstanding policy is that only the owner or lessee of a horse can request genetic testing.

After discussing this with AMHA’s legal counsel, he suggested that this policy not change; however, the owner of the stallion selling the frozen semen could authorize the purchaser to request testing. The Registry Committee and Board agreed. This will be facilitated through the Notice of Frozen Semen Transfer form with the addition of a series of consent statements to which the stallion owner would check "yes" or "no." 

If you are the seller of frozen semen, please make sure your intent is clear by checking the appropriate boxes on the form. The updated form is located HERE.  

Should you need assistance, please contact the AMHA Registry Department at or (802) 985-4944 extension 2. Thank you! 

