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Morgan standing in a foggy field

The Primarch Morgan Equestrian Youth Team Community Fundraising

April 11, 2023


The Primarch Morgan Equestrian Youth Team recently participated in a great community outreach fundraiser and we are so proud of their efforts!! Check out their account of the event below


The Primarch Morgan Equestrians recognized a community member who was undergoing treatment for bone cancer and stepped into action to raise money for this community member and his family.  I’m beyond proud of our team efforts, and success! 

Our team planned & organized from start to finish a benefit bake sale to help support a family in need.

They partnered with a local business to ask permission to use the storefront to set up their bake sale coordinated dates, brainstormed ideas of bake sale items, made posters, decorated donation cans.  Then they set up a team zoom call to discuss which team member was making what to bring to the bake sale.  The team decided it was going to be a “by donation only” style bake sale.  We met at the local business, set up the bake sale and they raised $509.42!!!  The team had a meeting a few days after the benefit bake sale and collectively counted up dollar bills, coins and checks & presented the community member who is fighting bone cancer.  During his visit with us he shared that he was extremely grateful and talked with our group how his treatments were going and how grateful he was.  Each team member also made him a card and handed it to him during his visit with us! Also important to mention it was snowy, windy & very cold during our bake sale!!!! They all did amazing!

Learn more about the Primarch Morgan Equestrian Team and their members HERE

Want to know how you can create a Youth Team? Check out all the information HERE




