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Morgan standing in a foggy field

Update on our Morgan Stronger Campaign

August 6, 2020

We are just weeks into our Morgan Stronger Campaign and some much-needed and appreciated support has already been received. Two of our Headquarters Suites have been named, another pledged, and one more naming is in the works! When one visits our Headquarters in the future, you will be greeted in the John and Georgie Green/Roadshow Morgans Reception Center. Your registrations and transfers will be handled in the Stolen Aces Farm Registry Suite. And, you will be able to enjoy the many historical volumes of Morgan information in the "Soon to be Named" Morgan Horse Reading Nook. Currently, The Programs Suite, The Mail Center, and The Administration Suite are still available. Although, we have had interest expressed in the Mail Center. So hurry....We would love to have YOUR name honored in our Headquarters!

For those of you who are wondering....what happens in these areas? The Programs Suite is competition central! Star show ratings, open competition nominations, champion title program crownings, horse show results and so much more happen here. The Mail Center is the busy communications hub of the organization. Everything AMHA comes in and goes out of this area. And, The Administration Suite, is the "driver's seat" of AMHA. All information goes in and out...this is where decisions are made! If any of these functions call your name, please be sure to contact Kathie at or Extension 202 to "name" your space.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our wonderful members and clubs that have made monetary contributions to the campaign. Their names are honored on the website at: We are off to a great start because of you!

Thanks, too, to everyone who purchased the masks, T-shirts, and baseball caps from the AMHA Facebook page...AND...from our Morgan Youth's water bottle campaign. With everybody chipping in, we are making AMHA and the Morgan Horse "Morgan Stronger." Watch for more fun items to come!

Please continue to support us with your donations. 2020 is proving to be a very challenging year and we are doing our very best to keep your organization strong, efficient, and working for you!
