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Morgan standing in a foggy field

JLC Shares Second Industry Re-Opening Horse Show Survey Results

May 20, 2020

As the processes of “re-opening” are happening across the country, the Joint Leadership Council, Arabian Horse Association, and horse show professionals re-surveyed membership in a continued effort to assist competition organizers and participants in managing risk, procedures and safety protocols. This second survey was sent to a smaller group of association survey participants. We thank everyone who took the time to participate in the survey. Your feedback is an integral part of helping the JLC and our Industry Re-Opening Task Force continue to work with horse show organizers and community leaders to address the concerns, protocols, and procedures of re-opening our industry in the wake of COVID-19 and make updates to our resources.

Survey Results Summary Available HERE.

When the Joint Leadership Council was created we obviously did not foresee a crisis like this, but we have been impressed by how much more effective working together has been in joint matters. The whole of the trotting horse industry is much greater than the sum of its individual parts. Let's continue to work together and make a difference. More information on the JLC COVID-19 efforts available at
