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Morgan standing in a foggy field

Morgan Members Meeting the Call to Action

May 7, 2020

A heartfelt "THANK YOU" to our members and friends that have joined or renewed memberships, made donations, or supported the magazine during this unprecedented and challenging time due to the COVID-19 crisis. Your support means everything to AMHA. This is YOUR Association.

Please know that we are doing our very best to keep things moving forward for our Morgan family. As you can imagine, like so many businesses at this time, AMHA is facing some extremely uncertain times ahead. As a non-profit organization with limited resources as well as the growing and excessive legal expenses incurred due to Victoria Bennett’s pending lawsuit, AMHA’s long term viability is both unstable and uncertain.

April membership statistics show that the number of memberships collected year to date are down 267 compared to this same time last year. This represents thousands of dollars of lost income in just the first month affected by the pandemic. Our magazine advertising will be greatly affected by the cancellation of shows as well. Cancelled sales mean less registry income. There are many other line items on the income side of the AMHA budget that will be adversely affected in the coming months.

However, the Board of Directors are committed to ensuring the permanent survival of your Association. They have been closely monitoring all data and will be meeting in the coming week to do an in-depth analysis of every single expense to see what can be cut in order to help us with these unexpected losses in income.

We realize everyone faces challenges at this time. If you have not yet renewed your 2020 membership or magazine subscription and are able to do so, we would love to have your support with the monumental task of protecting AMHA. Visit our website to download a membership form or call the office at (802) 985-4944. We are always happy to assist you.

If you are struggling, please visit the Joint Leadership Council’s website at for resources that may be of assistance for you during this time.

Stay safe everyone! Together, we WILL remain #MorganStrong!
