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Morgan standing in a foggy field

AMHA Transaction Processing Times

January 29, 2020

The time it takes AMHA to process transactions and requests (Registry, Membership, Retail, Payments, Etc.) will be temporarily increasing due to the main office relocation. AMHA prides itself with one of the shortest processing times of many breed associations and registries! That said, it is to be expected that due to the staff/office transition from Vermont to Kentucky (with some staff transitioning to working remotely from home), the time it will take to process items submitted to the office will surely increase.

The Registry Department is experiencing significant delays. Please allow four to six weeks for processing time. Please be extra patient during this expected period of conversion and plan accordingly. We are in the midst of many projects behind the scenes to ensure the quality of service resumes quickly with as few disruptions as possible. Thank you for your understanding during this challenging endeavor!
