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Additional Morgan Judges' School Added

December 10, 2019

An AMHA judges' school has been added to the 2020 roster! To take place at the UPHA National Conference, January 21-22 in Lexington, Kentucky, this school is open only to "R" judges. An application can be obtained by clicking here

Judges schools are open to anyone who would like to get a judge's card, renew a card, keep a card current, or would like to audit a school.

The other 2020 judges' schools are will take place at:

Key Classic Benefit Horse Show
Monroe, WA
May 8-10, 2020

Morgan Gold Cup
Columbus, OH
June 11-13, 2020

Fees for the 2020 Judges Schools are:
Applicants & Carded Judges: $200
Applicants Second Clinic: $150
Auditors: $150

For more information on AMHA's Judging Schools, go to
