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Apply for the 2020 AHP Student Award

October 30, 2019

If you are interested in working in Equine Media, your journey begins now, apply for the 2020 American Horse Publications (AHP) Student Award.

Meet, network, and participate with publishers, editors, advertising, production, and marketing managers. You will participate in workshops, interactive discussions, lectures and informal get-togethers. The AHP Equine Media Conference will inform and enlighten you about the opportunities available to, and skills needed for, someone interested in pursuing a career in equine media.

Have an opportunity to discuss your talents and potential with the decision makers who do the hiring. Conversely, those professionals will be evaluating and appraising you as a possible future staff member.

Are you eligible? If you are a senior in high school or an undergraduate college student during the 2019-2020 school year and want to pursue a career in equine media. You must have at least one semester remaining before graduation at the time of application and a 2.00 GPA or higher.

The AHP Student Award Contest is open to residents of the US and Canada only. Former Student Award Winners are ineligible; Travel Award Winners may re-apply.

Finalists experience the AHP Conference A travel award of $1,000, complimentary conference registration* and complimentary Student membership* will be awarded to up to three applicants. Travel Award winners have an opportunity to participate with equine media professionals in a three-day conference and related activities at the AHP Equine Media Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, May 28-30, 2020. Travel Award winners must agree to attend the conference, arriving by Thursday morning and departing no earlier than Sunday to receive the award.

The winner receives a cash award of $1,000 and the title of 2020 AHP Student Award Winner. Additional cash awards will be awarded at the discretion of the judge to the runners-up.

All qualified applicants will receive a complimentary Student membership* and a Student registration* certificate for the annual conference in Lexington, Kentucky, May 28-30, 2020.

For a complete list of rules, requirements and application form, visit Application materials are due in the AHP office by January 20, 2020.

For more information, contact Judy Lincoln, AHP Student Award Coordinator,, 386-760-7743.
