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AMHA Issues Statement Regarding Safe Sport

December 20, 2018

The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) fully supports the Safe Sport initiatives aimed at providing a competition environment free from sexual abuse, harassment and bullying. We believe that the AMHA members agree these goals are in the best interest of the sport, our youth and the entire equine industry.

As a recognized affiliate organization of US Equestrian, AMHA is subject to comply with the laws, rules and regulations that fall under US Equestrian’s jurisdiction. As such, AMHA is currently complying with Safe Sport measures including but not limited to reporting requirements, training requirements and suspension reciprocity. For example, a new ruling by the Center for Safe Sport is requiring that all Affiliate employees as well as all Affiliate directors complete the safe sport training by July 31, 2019. AMHA has been proactive and AMHA employees and directors all finished the training in September of 2018.

The administration and leadership of AMHA have been in close contact with US Equestrian (via regular teleconferences held with the affiliates) as well as other organizations that have recently established committees to investigate the actual requirements per the Federal Law, the value of affiliation with US Equestrian and the viability of creating a new or different governing body. In addition, we have received legal commentary from our attorney. We are following the progress of these organizations and working in conjunction with each to in order to have the latest information as available.

Of course, as with any significant change, there has been endless discussion as this Safe Sport policy evolves. Any new policy such as this one goes through a series of changes and amendments as it is ironed out. A well established, efficient system is rarely created overnight. AMHA’s standard policy is not to communicate or respond to Social Media chatter or discussion. Trying to respond to individual or other group posts is a very ineffective way to communicate AMHA’s official stance to our membership so we do not attempt to do so. AMHA only uses their own personal Social Media sites to communicate and comment on issues facing our association and members.

We are participating in monthly teleconferences with US Equestrian, the AMHA President and Executive Director will be attending the US Equestrian Convention and the UPHA Convention where Safe Sport Training, Seminars and further discussion amongst various organizations continues. AMHA has planned our own session devoted to this topic at the 2019 Annual Meeting and Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Both US Equestrian’s CEO (Bill Moroney) and Safe Sport Program Coordinator (Teresa Roper) will be moderating that seminar.

We want to stress that the AMHA Board is actively reviewing all information as we receive it and realizes that there appear to be burdens, hardships and difficulties expressed by our members in regards to the Safe Sport Policy as currently established. Please know that these issues are indeed being discussed and evaluated. As we have information to disseminate, we will do so. If you have specific questions or concerns, please relay them to the AMHA office or your regional directors.

Until then, we hope that the new Safe Sport page on our website will assist you with your education, training, and understanding of the “current” Safe Sport policy and your personal requirements. You will find a link on our home page or click here.
