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Morgan standing in a foggy field

Club News: Central Region Morgan Show Debuts in Lincoln

September 19, 2018

The Lancaster Event Center in Lincoln, Nebraska, welcomed 55 Morgans and their two-legged support staff to the inaugural Central Region Morgan Show, hosted by the Missouri Valley Morgan Horse Club August 25-26. The volunteer show management team was thrilled to see support from Morgan owners and trainers in many states and from all levels of Morgan show experience, from the youngest leadliners to seasoned pros and even retirees from the show ring who came out to see old friends and cheer on their favorite breed.

More than $2,000 in cash and prizes was awarded across the many sections offered in the 100+ class schedule, plus 13 new pleasure and equitation champions were crowned at the Sunday evening session. Official results from this AMHA Star Rated and USEF Competition Lite show can be found on USEF and AMHA websites. Those placing first through fourth qualified to compete in Oklahoma City at Morgan Grand Nationals.

"The Missouri Valley Morgan Horse Club decided to host this event in 2018 after losing our decades-old Morgan show at the Nebraska State Fair in order to support our Midwestern Morgan owners," said show manager Jennifer Rawlinson. "This also provided another opportunity in this region to qualify for, or practice for, Grand Nationals in Oklahoma City and also just to have some fun with Morgan horses and get to know other Morgan owners. With all the changes lately in the industry, breed, and region, we all need to stick together to ensure the long-term success of the breed in our area."

The show would not have been possible without the many individuals and organizations that chose to support this concept with their donations. To the many volunteers who answered questions, made suggestions, and offered honest feedback, please continue sending your ideas so that the show can grow to meet your needs and your clients’ needs.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the show’s 2019 date! Show management is working with the facility to find an earlier date before school starts to encourage more youth participation.
