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Morgan standing in a foggy field

AMHA Online Membership Renewal: Quick and Easy!

June 19, 2018

Are you on your way to a show and just realized you didn't renew your AMHA membership for this year? Renewing online is the quickest and easiest way to do this!

1. Go to

2. Have you logged into the website since August 2017? If not, use your AMHA membership number as BOTH the username and password.

3. If you have logged in since August 2017, use the username and password you created.

4. From here, go to "My Account," then "My Membership/Subscription" and you will be on your way! And if you need your membership card, you can print it out once your membership has been renewed! Look for "Print Membership Card" under "My Account."

For more information or help with this process, contact the AMHA Membership Department at (802) 985-4944.
