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Morgan Horse Association of Australia Granted Reciprocity

May 22, 2017

The American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) Board of Directors voted unanimously at its April 2017 meeting to grant International Reciprocity to the Morgan Horse Association of Australia (MHAA). This agreement eliminates the need for Morgan horses foaled in Australia to be registered with AMHA and MHAA, removing the financial burden of this double registration process.

A timeline will be established by MHAA to adopt AMHA Registry Rules, develop necessary applications, and make any changes to software. Reciprocity will officially begin once the new registry rules are adopted, applications created, and software changes are delivered.

The MHAA Registry dates from 1993 and has 23 years of experience as a registry. It has a total number of registered Morgans of 541 to date. All breeding animals currently are registered with AMHA. All Morgan registered by MHAA must have an AMHA registered sire and dam with DNA verified parentage.

AMHA Registry Committee Chair, C. A. "Tony" Lee, and Registrar, Erica Eulau, traveled to Australia in March to inspect the MHAA registry. While there, they attended the Australia National Show. "The Morgan horse is very well represented and cared for in Australia," Erica noted/ "It was such a pleasure to meet so many of our Morgan family—two- and four-legged--and I look forward to working with the MHAA Board and their Registrar, Judi Anderson, in making this a smooth and successful transition."
