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It's Time for the 2018 Foal Contest

August 28, 2018

The Morgan Horse magazine is looking for photo submissions for its "Amazing Morgan Foal Contest!" Photos submitted within the guidelines will be published in the October 2018 issue, with contest results being announced in the November/December issue.


  • Amateur photography only
  • Two images per entrant maximum
  • Photos must be 300 dpi
  • Foal must be born in 2018 (exception Australia and New Zealand) and eligible for registration with the Morgan Registry.
  • Name of sire and dam must be included with submission.
  • Include the name of owner/breeder and photographer.

Photos will judged for three awards:

  1. Morgan character
  2. Artistic composition
  3. Reader's choice (voted on Facebook)

Deadline: September 1, 2018

Email to
Subject line must say "Amazing Foal Contest."
