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Ledyard Farm Hosts Open Barn

August 23, 2017

Visit Ledyard Farm's annual open barn, to take place September 12, 5:30-8:30, in King Ferry, New York.

Take a tour of the facilities including seeing their antique barns, tool museum, school house, Jacob sheep, and Highland cattle. Join them for drinks and dinner while enjoying the 45 horses that call Ledyard home.

A showcase of yearlings and weanlings out of their outstanding broodmares and by breeding stars such as Man in Black, Astronomicallee, and Graycliff Tony will be in the spotlight.

If you're coming from the New York Regional Morgan Horse Show in Syracuse, feel free to use their shuttle bus. Pick up will be at 4:30 p.m. by the main coliseum and you'll be returned at 9:30 p.m. Please contact Equine Manager, Rebecca Rodlin, to reserve a seat on the bus and/or RSVP for the event!

